If you’ve spent any time on fashion TikTok, you know it’s easy to fall into the trap of wear-once, cheaply made trend pieces that look cute but don’t stand the test of time. (Marbled crop top, I’m looking at you!)

It’s no secret the fashion industry has a serious carbon footprint problem. According to the United Nations, the sector is responsible for an estimated 8 to 10 percent of global carbon emissions — more than international flights and shipping combined. Fast fashion retailers known for rock-bottom prices that suggest disposability don’t help.

In fact, the number of times an article of clothing is worn has decreased drastically over the last 15 years, while global clothing production has at least doubled since 2000.

But as we become more mindful of our consumption habits and the subsequent environmental impact of our purchases, Earth Month draws our attention to the planet that we share and the sustainable choices that can help keep it spinning.

Kelly Drennan is the founding executive director of Fashion Takes Action, Canada’s only non-profit organization devoted to advancing sustainability in the fashion industry through education, awareness, research and collaboration.

She says the best way to be environmentally conscious is to keep wearing the clothes already in your closet for as long as possible. “It isn’t always about buying something new,” says Drennan. “We have the obligation to reduce what we’re buying and to reuse. So buy second hand as often as possible.”

But if you are buying something new, make sure it’s sustainably made. Check out the company before buying, like with Good on You, an app that rates thousands of brands to help you discover ethical brands and see how your favourites measure up.

Do they have any certifications that signal a commitment to the environment, like 1% for the Planet or B-corp? Or is any information about their practices suspiciously hard to find? “That’s a good sign to walk away,” Drennan says.

Next time you’re looking to add another item to your wardrobe, check out these eight fashion retailers with a commitment to sustainable environmental practices.