The trailer for filmmaker Luca Guadagnino’s latest movie, Challengers, just dropped and it looks steamy and filled with tension. The Italian director’s (Call Me By Your Name and Bones and All) latest project stars Zendaya, also a producer on the film, as former tennis prodigy-turned-coach Tashi Duncan.

Duncan is married to a champion on a losing streak played by Mike Faist of West Side Story, who is forced to face-off against his former best friend and Duncan’s former boyfriend, Josh O’Connor best known for portraying Prince Charles on The Crown.

Duncan toys with both sides of the net as the story plays out in a collision of past and present and all parties involved must ask themselves, what will it take to win? And is it worth the cost?

If the trailer is to be believed, we are promised a psycho-sexual sports thriller. The movie hits theatres April 26, 2024 but you can watch the trailer right here, right now.