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Those suffering from moderate to severe plaque psoriasis know that it’s more than just skin-deep. The chronic autoimmune inflammatory condition1, which appears as red, scaly plaques resulting in extremely itchy, sore skin, often has a broad impact beyond the physical, including a higher risk of anxiety and depression2. It has led to “some psoriasis patients suffering in silence, while others have isolated themselves to avoid exposing their skin,” says Quebec-based dermatologist Loukia Mitsos. Thankfully, treatment is out there. We spoke with Dr. Mitsos about the available treatment options for your plaque psoriasis.

Why is it important for patients to have their psoriasis diagnosed early?

“The inflammation from psoriasis is systemic, therefore affected patients are more likely to have other associated inflammatory health conditions such as psoriatic arthritis, inflammatory bowel disease and eye inflammation. They are also more likely to suffer from obesity, hypertension, cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes.3

What kinds of treatment plans are out there for treating moderate to severe active plaque psoriasis?

“Psoriasis treatments aim to help skin cells grow more normally, thereby reducing symptoms of psoriasis and decreasing inflammation.4 Options include creams and ointments, light therapy, oral medications and injectable medications. 4 Patients should speak to their doctors about available options that can help relieve their symptoms.”

What goes into deciding which treatment is right for the patient?

“We take into consideration the extent of the condition, the patient’s medical history as well as patient preference to guide our choice. Psoriasis patients need board-certified dermatologists who will guide them through the treatment approach with empathy and patience. Our goal is to find the most suitable treatment with the fewest side effects to help a patient’s psoriasis.”

1 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Psoriasis.
2 Canadian Dermatology Association. Psoriasis.
3 Oliveira Mde F, Rocha Bde O, Duarte GV. Psoriasis: classical and emerging comorbidities. An Bras Dermatol. 2015;90(1):9-20. doi:10.1590/abd1806-4841.20153038
4 Mayo Clinic. Psoriasis. 2022.