There is something so inherently special about anything Hermès, from their trademark orange packaging to their dedicated quality standard. Every single item is handcrafted and put through rigorous quality checks to maintain the Maison’s unwavering commitment to luxury.  It is not surprising why Hermès has crafted some of the most coveted pieces in the world. But what really goes into that timepiece or your mother’s silk scarf? Hermès has given us a look into their world of craftsmanship with the “Festival des Matiers” at the Design Exchange in Toronto until Oct 6th. Gaze on as silk printers demonstrate silk screening exquisite designs, the meticulous and delicate construction of a handbag, and much more. It isn’t something to be missed. Here’s a sneak peek of the impeccable skill work of the most talented artisans at Hermés, on the next page…

