“As someone who was a regular watcher of those black-and-white Saturday Night at the Movies growing up (yep, I was that cool) Karina Longworth’s You Must Remember This is like catnip for my Old Hollywood loving soul. Several seasons in already, this podcast focuses on ‘the forgotten stories of Hollywood’s first century,’ and has previously done deep dives into The Blacklist, Joan Crawford and MGM. Longworth (whose endearing impressions of movie stars are part of the appeal) is currently digging into the lives of Dead Blondes aka stars who died too young and happened to be flaxen and platinum haired. Not sure where to start? The recent three-part Marilyn Monroe exploration is a cracker.” – Sarah Laing, Culture Editor


“My podcast diet is a mixture of advice columns, silly entertainment, pop-culture analysis and gut-wrenching storytelling. Like my friendships, I turn to different podcasts to serve my varying emotional needs and tap into different parts of my brain. My current faves are Modern Love, Ted Radio Hour, WhoWeekly, S-Town, Fat Mascara, Dear Sugar, JASSA, RadioLab, Jillian Michaels, The Heart, WTF with Marc Maron, Lainey Gossip Sasha Answers, Savage Lovecast, Freakonomics, Radio Cherry Bombe and Still Processing.”      – Katherine Flemming, Health and Beauty Editor




John starts getting tattoos, even though he hates them. #STown, Chapter II

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“I binged StartUp’s seven-part series on the rise and fall of American Apparel. Even though I hardly shopped at the retailer in its heyday I found the extremely well-researched audio tale addictive. After listening to the first-person accounts from the company’s key players, including flawed leader Dov Charney, I’m much more informed on a brand that was such a part of the zeitgeist. On a different note, The Crimson Wave, a podcast about periods run by Toronto comedians Jess Beaulieu and Natalie Norman, discusses all things menstrual (along with sexism, activism and gender politics) with guest comedians. There aren’t any new episodes, but the archives are worth a listen.” – Liz Guber, Associate Fashion Editor




“I generally will choose listening to music over listening to podcasts, but the Wall Street Journal’s Media Mix is always worth my time. The episodes feature senior-level media players discussing best practices in the industry, and importantly, are succinct (they run no longer than 30 minutes). A must-listen for anyone in the media industry.” – Victoria DiPlacido, Associate Beauty Editor

“I listen to The Read with Kid Fury and Crissle on my way to work to stay woke and stay smiling. Making Oprah is addictive and entertaining. The backstory on how she came to own television is compelling and fascinating. Dear Sugar is addictive advice-giving from hosts Cheryl Strayed (of Wild fame and the iconic Dear Sugar advice column) and Steve Almond.”  – Vanessa Craft, Editor-in-Chief



New episode of #TheRead available right now!

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New York Magazine’s Sex Lives always gives me a good chuckle and wakes me up from my otherwise half-asleep morning commute on the subway. The podcast touches on topics ranging from sexual health to navigating the intersect of sex and modern-day technology to the ethics of pornography. The podcast opens up the dialogue for many normally taboo subjects, simultaneously educating and entertaining its listeners.” – Maryjane Peters, Beauty Editorial Assistant

“I’m a sponge when it comes to podcasts, soaking up recos from family and friends. I’m a new Who Weekly devotee thanks to health and beauty ed Katherine (thanks for the pop culture fix, girl!). My husband got me hooked on two of his faves: WTF with Marc Maron and You Must Remember This (don’t miss the chilling 12-part Charles Manson arc). Next up: CBC’s Someone Knows Something thanks to culture editor Sarah.” – Carli Whitwell, Special Projects Editor



our FIRST fan art, and we’re lovingggggggg it ????? thanks @frizzydo!

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