jonone for perrier

The JonOne bottle. 

Perrier, purveyor of fine sparkling beverages, has a long history of handing their bottles and cans over to artists to put their own inventive spin on that iconic green packaging. This year, they’ve teamed up with three big names in the street art world. While Japanese artist Sasu tackles the plastic bottle, and Kobra of Brasil transformed the metal can, ELLE Canada sat down with Paris-by-way-of-New-York’s JonOne, who had the task of distilling his entire artistic persona into a roughly one inch square logo. (No bigs).
ELLE Canada: How did it feel taking on the Perrier name? Was that intimidating or exciting?
JonOne: Now I feel like I am an ambassador for Perrier, when I go with friends to restaurants and order Perrier everyone’s like “Oh yeah, you’re the guy that drew the Perrier bottle, of course you drink Perrier!". I drank Perrier even before, because I don’t drink coffee or beers in café’s, and if you’re not drinking coffee or beer in a café, what do you order? You order Perrier. Usually it’s more expensive than the beer or the coffee. But how did it feel to do it? What was good was that Perrier’s image of working around artists, like Andy Warhol had done it before.