‘Tis the season for… extreme productivity? Not exactly what most people have in mind for the last month of the year, but stay with us here. On November 24, restless Mars zoomed into upbeat, active Sagittarius, and it will remain there until January 4. The result: Our inner children will be on a candy-cane sugar high for the rest of 2023.

Unfortunately, putting those “kids” in the timeout chair with an iPad won’t settle them down. So, what’s a responsible adult to do? Channel this zest into a focused project, and finish the year strong. A little holiday hustle might be just what we all need to soothe our frazzled emotions.

Plus, there’s another reason to keep yourself busy: Mercury will be retrograde from December 13 to January 1. A project gives you a legit excuse to bow out of triggering family events or cancel drinks with the ex who slid into your DMs. And make sure to send your gifts out early and confirm travel plans, since retrograde Mercury can mess with things like the mail, traffic, and airline schedules.

Below are some zodiac-inspired tips for where to focus that high-octane energy. If you’re feeling ambitious, you can even tackle this for both your sun sign and rising sign. Let’s go:

Fire signs: Execute a creative project.

Aries, Leo, Sagittarius

Let the imagineering commence. With Mars in this playful, festive position, fire signs will have no shortage of ideas for how to end 2023 on a celebratory note. As heavy as the world feels right now, laughter is important for healing. Cook up a project that lifts everyone’s spirits. How about a literal bake-off to see who can bring the best holiday dessert? Or turn an annual gathering into a themed affair, taking charge of the decorations, playlists, and menu planning. Need a break from people? Get your hands into some clay, or work on a large-scale painting. Just make sure you come out of your “studio,” and make a few cameos.

Earth signs: Clean up something big.

Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn

With Mars agitating your emotions, Earth signs will not be able to suck it up or politely pretend not to see a pink pachyderm in the room. And whether that “elephant” is a closet spilling over with clothes you need to Depop or a friend’s shady move that must be addressed, the time to deal is now. (And ideally before Mercury flips retrograde on December 13.) Once you’ve tidied up your physical space and resolved interpersonal issues, tackle digital clutter. Inbox zero could be achieved, if you make a concerted effort! Or take advantage of the opportunity to host some one-on-ones with your favorite people.

Air signs: Organize a meaningful gathering.

Gemini, Libra, Aquarius

Social air signs will be in their outgoing element, thanks to Mars revving up the most interactive zones of their charts. But it’s not just about cheers-ing to the end of the year. Justice-minded air signs care about making a difference. Whether you’re gathering your friend group for a Secret Santa gift exchange or teaming up with a local business for a special event, add a charitable component to your social gatherings this season. Pass the elf hat around to collect donations, or bake it into the ticket price. Not up for playing organizer? Participate with a group that’s out doing good for the holidays. You can strike up quality friendships while volunteering at a coat drive or ushering a charity gala raising funds for families displaced by war. That’s an air sign win-win.

Water signs: Knock one more thing out of the park at work.

Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces

Water signs will be buoyed by a strong professional tailwind, thanks to Mars charging through the money-making zones of your charts. Before you drop a task into the “Save ‘Til 2024” file, consider whether finishing it this year might add a feather to your cap. Or maybe there’s a small EOY initiative you could push through that would highlight you as the up-and-comer to watch. If you can accomplish this without exhausting yourself, roll up your sleeves! And once you’re done? Strategically inform everyone of your achievements by inviting them to celebrate the victory with you. It’s a team effort, after all… even when you’re the superstar.

This article originally appeared on ELLE US.