(Jan. 20 – Feb. 18)

A backward glance… In the early ’90s, you said goodbye to things and moved on. Travel, and a chance to explore education or the media, looked great in 1993. The late ’90s saw job changes and residential moves. Around 2005, relationships were stressful and, a few years later, support from others was withdrawn or diminished. Looking forward… Last year was empowering: It gave you a sense of security about your world. Now it’s time to look for ways to boost your income. In three years, you will enter a career peak, so start your engines! This is your time of preparation before a major achievement, and a critical part of this winning formula is your ability to think positive and expect success. Mantra “My life is becoming richer.”

Nail polish pick: Sally Hansen Complete Salon Manicure in 470 Purple ($7.95)

(Feb. 19 – March 20)

A backward glance…
You have gone through major changes since 1994. In 1998-’99, opportunities were abundant. By 2001-’02, romance, vacations and the arts gave you a major bonus. However, by 2006-’08, partnerships were difficult; tensions about other people’s resources are still on your plate. (Groan.) Looking forward… Jupiter is in your sign, bringing good fortune, joy and chances to enhance your world, personally and professionally. Make the most of this! Yes, tension about shared property might arise. Fortunately, your earnings will only increase. Reduce your debt and hedge your bets. Nevertheless, count your blessings because this is a wonderful time in your life! Mantra “Every day, I appreciate who I am and what I have.”

Nail polish pick: Essie Nail Polish in Lapis of Luxury ($11)

(March 21 – April 19)

A backward glance… You gave up a lot in the ’90s. Many of you left jobs, homes and even countries. Fortunately, lovely perks in 1999 lifted your spirits. Between 2001 and 2003, you were dealing with crazy instability, which made you toil to establish a solid home. Looking forward… Relationships will be challenged. You’re making a break for your freedom. Your good fortune is strong because lucky Jupiter is in your sign until mid-September. (Good news: It returns in January.) You are switching your focus and going after what you want. Anyone who stands in your way is toast. Mantra “Whether it’s downhill or uphill, I’m going forward!”

Nail polish pick: Anna Sui Nail Art Colour N in 470 Anna Red ($15)

Taurus, Gemini and Cancer horoscopes on the next page…

Horoscopes: Is there money, love and happiness in 2010? Find out here!

Tahiti treats: Polish your nails with these island-inspired hues


(April 20 – May 20)

A backward glance…You were on top of your game in the early ’90s, but, at the end of the decade, radical changes took place in your life that forced you to give up many things. By 1999, your daily appearance probably changed as well. Strong earnings followed, which made you feel more secure—especially by 2002, when your domestic life was enriched. About five years ago, job changes and residential moves forced you to downsize. Since 2008, you have polished your reputation and become more popular. Looking forward… This is a time of hard work that will continue into next year. (You don’t mind hard work, as long as you like what you’re doing.) You will, however, feel overwhelmed at times, which is par for the course. Relax—you can handle it. Nevertheless, some radical changes to your job and your relationships mean that you will be challenged. You might split off from a group, sever a friendship or suddenly change your job. Whatever happens, you will ultimately have more freedom. About a year from now, lucky Jupiter enters your sign, bringing divine protection. Bring it on! Mantra “The changes I’m making make me feel younger and freer!”

Nail polish pick: Joe Fresh Style Nail Polish in Kiss ($4)

(May 21 – June 20)

A backward glance… Looking back, some years were sweet (like 1989), whereas the turn of the millennium was fraught with difficult changes, especially saying goodbye to possessions and relationships. (Gulp.) Around 2004-’05, some of you found true love. Ironically, at about the same time, job changes and residential moves kept you packing and unpacking. In the past few years, you have worked toward a stable home. Looking forward… For the first time in over a decade, you can enhance your reputation in the eyes of bosses, parents, teachers and VIPs. Some of you will change your career to something related to healing, the law, the media or travel. Changes in relationships with children are possible. You’ll love the way your confidence increases this year because others see you with greater respect. Mantra “I enjoy looking successful!”

Nail polish pick: YSL La Laque in No. 142 Ultra Orange ($24)

(June 21 – July 22)

A backward glance… It has been a new ballpark since 2003. You have completely reinvented yourself since that time. Compare your scene now with what it was in 2001—it’s a whole new world! (I rest my handbag.) Recently, gifts, inheritances and the support of others made a positive difference in your life. Some of you underwent mind-blowing transformations in partnerships. More recently, job changes and residential moves upset your cozy nest. They were inevitable, even if you didn’t see them coming. Looking forward… Wonderful opportunities to travel and broaden your horizons through fresh adventures make this year exciting! Many of you are involved with people from other countries and different cultures. This is a mind-opening experience! Others will explore opportunities in higher education, the media and anything to do with medicine, the law and publishing. Partnerships continue to undergo huge transformations. (Huge!) This affects where you live and your life direction in general. No matter what happens, you need a stable nest. Repairs, renovations and possible moves are still in the picture. Mantra “I’m leaving my velvet rut to go with the flow.”

Nail polish pick: Revlon Nail Enamel in Plum Seduction ($5.50) 

Leo, Virgo and Libra on the next page…

Summer beauty solutions: Here’s how to be a beach goddess


(July 23 – Aug. 22)

A backward glance… Life took a major turn around 1991, when you started to maximize your opportunities in the world. By 1996-’98, you had success, and 2002-’03 were rewarding years. You weren’t afraid to initiate big plans, and you handled that beautifully. (Plus, you had a lot of help.) Since 2005, your life has changed radically in terms of friendships, romance and even how you look! You’ll be in this process of change for about three more years. Looking forward… You will likely have a job change or residential move in the next two years. (Whaaat?) This year, you’ll enjoy travel opportunities. You’ll also have a chance to explore marvellous breaks in the law, publishing, medicine and the media. Some will go back to school; others will explore consciousness-raising groups and ideas. Romance with someone from another culture is likely. Stay light on your feet! Writers, teachers and actors might have huge changes. Mantra “Imminent success is going to change my life!”

Nail polish pick: Zoya Professional Lacquer in Bekka ($10.95)

(Aug. 23 – Sept. 22)

A backward glance…
You have let go of a lot since 2005. This obviously required major adjustments. Fortunately, 2008 was personally enriching, perhaps due to expanding your family through marriage, birth or adoption. You might have made your home larger or more luxurious. Family relations were warmer as well. This made life so much easier! Looking forward… Now, you’re at a stage where you’re wondering what really matters. You want to find the right job and learn how to use your money in a skilful manner. Give this some serious thought because sudden changes affecting your job—or your partner’s job—might occur this year. It could be extremely positive (or not). Wealth from your partner (and other sources) might increase this year. (For some, this bonanza will occur next year.) In the meantime, you will strengthen and enhance all relationships, that’s for sure! Mantra “Partners and friends help me this year.”

Nail polish pick: Givenchy Vernis Please! Nail Lacquer in Island Lagoon ($18)

(Sept. 23 – Oct. 22)

A backward glance…
Since the mid-’90s, your ambitions have been growing. By the turn of the millennium, you were looking swell. In fact, 2004-’05 was extremely positive for you. Not only did this teach you that you could do more than you thought, but your success was obvious in the eyes of others as well! (Naturally, this was empowering.) However, in the past few years, you’ve been letting go of relationships, places and things. Looking forward… Some years are drive-bys, and some are benchmarks. The next two years are definitely pivotal. Major changes with relationships, home and family will take place. (For some, this is already happening.) In the next seven years, you will virtually redefine who you are in the world. Without question, you can improve your job and derive greater job satisfaction this year. Look forward to this! Mantra “I welcome a better job and a new identity.”

Nail polish pick: Rimmel London Lasting Finish Pro Nail in 260 Gold Silk ($5)

Scorpio, Sagittarius and Capricorn on the next page…

2010 Beauty trends: nail polish takes a turn to the pretty
Summer school: Tips for head-to-toe body prep


(Oct. 23 – Nov. 21)

A backward glance… In the early ’90s, it was very important to figure out where you were going to live. This is why 1991-’94 brought home renovations and major repairs for many. Whatever you did increased your self-confidence and poise. By 1999, major changes with partners took place. By 2006, you were looking pretty! Recently, life has been exhausting as you have been juggling your home, family and job. It’s tough to keep everyone happy without sacrificing your own integrity and peace of mind. Looking forward… You are beginning to feel restless. In fact, you feel an increasing dissatisfaction with your job and perhaps even where you live. This is occurring because you’re getting ready to downsize and make changes. You’ll notice that for the rest of this year, you’ll go through cupboards, garages, closets and lockers to toss what you don’t need. Meanwhile, grab every chance you can for a vacation. Love, romance and saucy flirtations will also zing your heart. It’s your turn to party! (Thank gawd.) Mantra “I love rewarding myself with fun chances to be creative!”

Nail polish pick: Chanel Le Vernis Nail in Black Velvet ($30)

(Nov. 22 – Dec. 21)

A backward glance… The early ’90s were a time of major change with jobs and residential moves. By 1995, your luck took a positive shift. At the turn of the millennium, many relationships bit the dust, and the ones that endured underwent alterations. Fortunately, by 2007, you started to get your groove back! Around that time, perhaps, you graduated, got married, had a child or got a promotion—something that made you proud. (You also saw what wasn’t working and needed to be dropped.) Looking forward… This is the time to do real estate deals or buy wonderful things for your home. Something will happen to make you feel richer where you live. Similarly, family relationships will also be warmer and happier. (Your family might increase in size as well!) Your biggest challenge this year is to balance your responsibility to others with your responsibility to yourself. After all, you count too! Mantra “I’m grateful for my home and family.”

Nail polish pick: Aldo Nail Laquer in Bright Idea ($7)

(Dec. 22 – Jan. 19)

A backward glance… The year 1996 was significant because your luck started to change. At that time, you were determined to solidify your home base, and something helped you do this. Perhaps family was supportive? (Somebody was.) The next year was great for vacations and romance. However, 2002-’05 was harsh for partnerships. You are a stoic sign, so you kept on until 2008 gave you a much-needed lift. That was a great time for travel, education, publishing and romance, especially with someone older or richer. Looking forward… This is the beginning of a successful run. (Lord knows you worked for this.) You are coming to terms with what you can do, and you’re showing the world as well. This is definitely your time of harvest! Let go of what isn’t working. Your optimism and confidence will keep you sailing through the year. Your life is improving big time! Do what you want. Mantra “I deserve this good fortune because I earned it.”

Nail polish pick: Avon Nailwear Pro Nail Enamel in Jade ($6)

Read more:
Nail tips: What you need to know
Nail polish trends: Spring 2010
2010 horoscopes: What does 2010 have in store for you?