Trying to target stubborn areas that aren’t responsive to diet and exercise can often feel like an uphill battle, but achieving remarkable results doesn’t have to be difficult. Now, a new and highly customizable treatment has made it possible to strengthen, firm and tone priority areas, regardless of your gender, fitness level or body size.

The truSculpt flex treatment – the first of its kind in Canada – is a unique body-contouring technology approved by Health Canada to increase muscle mass and strengthen and tone the abdomen, buttocks, thighs, calves and arms in as few as four treatments. Studies have shown that after having truSculpt flex treatments*, subjects experience up to a 30 percent increase in abdominal muscle mass. The treatments strengthen the core and improve posture, making them an ideal complement to both active and sedentary lifestyles.

So, how does it work? With its innovative MDS (Multi-Directional Stimulation) technology, truSculpt flex effectively stimulates muscle growth by replicating intense crunches, squats and twisting actions. The sensation is comparable to a muscle contraction, and the treatment requires little to no downtime. Think of it like a three-in-one workout, zeroing in on and maintaining areas of your body that need a boost.

With body-contouring technology constantly evolving, what makes truSculpt flex distinct from what currently exists on the market? Comparable treatments can only target one or two areas of the body at a time, but with truSculpt flex, up to eight areas can be treated in a single session. The process is simple: Set up a consultation with your provider to establish your goals, and then schedule your treatments anywhere from days to weeks apart – it’s up to you to decide. Your body, your goals.

“The versatility of this technology is what makes truSculpt flex the leader in muscle toning. Depending on your goals and the areas treated, you can expect more defined and sculpted muscles and an improvement in strength and endurance. The ability to individualize a treatment and work on body imbalances is an added bonus.” – Roni Munk, MD, medical and cosmetic dermatologist

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*Stephen J. Ronan, M.D., “A Novel Bio-Electric Current Stimulation Device for Improvement of Muscle Tone” (7/2019)