Until next October, Venus will be in the theatrical and sometimes dramatic sign of Leo. The planet of love resides there for an extended period of four months, with a retrograde phase between July 22 and September 3. Get ready for a summer of high drama and intensity!

Venus influences your interactions with others, whether romantic, platonic or professional. It colors your style of seduction, influences the way you experience pleasure, defines your values, shapes your approach to money and investments, and your aesthetic criteria. Under the influence of Leo, Venus aspires above all to relationships that allow her to express her true essence in front of allies capable of recognizing her value. When she retrogrades, she gives the impression of moving backwards from our earthly perspective, inviting us to reconsider, re-evaluate and re-examine these themes.

During these 40 days and 40 nights of retrograde (yes, you read that right), Venus has surprises in store for us, as well as reversals of fortunes and major soul-searching. In addition to the possibility of old flames reappearing, circumstances will push us to put our values to the test and question what really matters to us. The aim of this transit is to help us deepen our understanding of our desires and what truly motivates us in our relationships, so that we can move towards greater authenticity and satisfaction in our emotional bonds.

FYI: for a more accurate reading of your horoscope, rely first on your ascendant and then on your sun sign.

(March 21 — April 19)

Over the next few months, it’s best to approach love with joy and lightness! However, take time to reflect on your approach to early relationships. Are you over-idealizing your new flame to the point of losing a realistic vision? Or do you find it hard to let yourself be carried away by the magic of love? As a couple, don’t forget that play and fun are essential to sustaining passion. Explore playful activities and share common hobbies that will allow you to connect with your partner in a joyful and innocent way. Find activities that awaken your mutual joy and strengthen your complicity.

(April 20 — May 20)

Get ready for some quality one-on-one time with your loved one(s). Why not organize a cottage getaway and take advantage of this intimacy to open your heart and share your feelings? Create a space for emotional connection, where you can express yourself freely and share your deepest feelings. Create precious memories that strengthen your bond, and take advantage of these privileged experiences to find each other, understand each other and cultivate the complicity that unites you.

(May 21 — June 20)

If you’re single, your radar is on alert and you’re watching out for signs that could indicate a love connection. You’re absorbing information wherever you go, but be careful not to get dizzy by spreading yourself in too many directions at once. Whatever your status in love, this summer is a good time to learn to dialogue with intention and communicate your desires clearly. You have the opportunity to write a love letter to your loved one, expressing your feelings with sincerity. Dramatic, yes, but exciting!

(June 21 — July 22) 

This summer, give yourself the time you need to question and strengthen your self-esteem. Take an honest look at what you have to offer in a relationship and focus on recognizing your own value. The goal is to find someone who truly deserves you, or to make sure you’re appreciated for what you’re worth in your current relationships. Remember that you are unique and valuable, and that you deserve to be loved and respected. Cultivate self-confidence by highlighting your qualities and achievements. Take the time to get to know yourself, explore your passions and assert your needs and limits in your relationships.

(July 23 — August 22)

Your charisma is irresistible, drawing people to you like magnets. Although you radiate an aura that doesn’t go unnoticed, it’s time to review the image you project and the impact it can have on your love life. Take time to reflect on how you present yourself to others, so that your relationships are in perfect harmony with what you really want to attract. Be authentic and don’t be afraid to be yourself, because that’s what makes you truly attractive to the right people.

(August 23 — September 22) 

Whether you’re single or in a relationship, you need to give special importance to moments of solitude to preserve your energetic integrity. Learn to romanticize them and turn them into true rituals of self-love. Create the right atmosphere by lighting a scented candle, playing your favorite song and dancing naked around your apartment to invoke the goddess of love. Fill your own cup and let this energy radiate into all your relationships.

(September 23 — October 22)

Summer is a great time to meet new people! Take a moment to reflect on your social environment, and assess whether the groups you’re involved with allow you to develop enriching bonds. Attend events and participate in activities where you can make meaningful connections with like-minded people. If you’re a couple, take advantage of the summer to share group activities with your partner. Participating in outings and events with other couples or mutual friends can be a great way to strengthen and nurture your relationship.

(October 23 — November 21)

Over the next few months, ask yourself whether your long-term aspirations are in line with those of your partner. Sharing similar goals ensures that you’re on the same wavelength when it comes to what you want to build together. Open and honest communication is essential to ensure that your desires and expectations are aligned. You may meet new people through your work, so be open to opportunities for networking and collaboration. By being actively involved in your professional activities, you can expand your social circle and have the opportunity to make meaningful connections.

(November 22 — December 21)

By stepping out of your comfort zone and trying new things, you’ll be open to timely encounters. This summer will be a good time to question your passions and your desire to experiment and learn. Planning to travel? A romance could surprise you around the bend! Think about how your relationship can support your quest for adventure. Can you live these experiences together and nourish your bond through this thirst for exploration? Let curiosity be your guide and open yourself up to the call of adventure that awaits you!

(December 22 — January 19)

You feel a desire to develop a deeper intimacy with another person, where you can truly reveal yourself and be yourself, without artifice. Superficial encounters are no longer enough to satisfy your need for connection. It’s time to open yourself up to relationships where you feel safe, where you can leave your shell behind and let the true facets of your being shine through. Look for partners who inspire confidence, with whom you can share your thoughts, emotions and wildest dreams. Don’t be afraid to express your need for intimacy and find people who understand and respect this quest for sincere connection.

(January 20 — February 18)

This summer, more than any other sign, relationships take center stage in your mind. Take the time to nurture your existing relationships, deepening bonds and building trust. Remember that it’s essential for you to choose unions in which your individuality is preserved and your differences celebrated. Give yourselves time to cultivate your personal interests and nurture your own growth, while sharing precious moments together. Let this summer be a celebration of authentic love, where you can be together while remaining true to yourselves and supporting each other’s individual growth.

(February 19 — March 20)

Add new activities to your daily routine to take care of yourself, spice up your summer and open the door to great encounters. Join a running club, take part in outdoor yoga classes and say yes to Thursday happy hours with colleagues. These activities will enable you to meet people with similar lifestyles to yours. If you’re a couple, take advantage of this summer period to find a common habit to incorporate into your daily life. Whether it’s a sporting activity, a new recipe to cook together or a daily meditation, committing to a shared experience will strengthen your relationship and help you cultivate renewed complicity.

Read more:
Your June 2023 Horoscope Is Here
Your May 2023 Horoscope Is Here
Your April 2023 Horoscope Is Here