Kendall Jenner is starting the year by bringing her fashion A-game. The model was recently spotted strutting around West Hollywood in a particularly fashion-forward look, styled by Monica Rose. If you’re still on the fence about giving this breakout trend a try, let Kenny convince you. 



Next to her girl Hailey Baldwin’s all-black look, her golden shearling jacket by Acne Studios has major impact, and we love it with that velvet House of Sunny hoodie and ultra-cool cuffed jeans by Re/Done. 

The coolest part about the outfit though? The brand new way she wore fishnet tights. Peeking through clear ankle boots, they’re the perfect surprising and edgy detail. 

Kendall was clearly (forgive the pun) just as obsessed with it as we are, because she rocked it courtside too. 



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You can shop the same boots here:

Tasha Clear Calf Boots ($65.53), at

