Sardine Girl Summer! Tomato-tinis! The Bear! Food is top of mind for us right now and all we want to do is fill our spaces with reminders of la dolce vitaAmalfi Coast lemons and all.

According to Etsy, we’re not alone in this feeling. The artisan marketplace shares that searches for all things food-related and cousin-approved are on the rise, a trend we also noticed earlier this year. According to the artisan marketplace, who have dubbed ‘Chef’s Kiss’ one of the hottest summer trends, shoppers are looking for chef’s jackets and fish charms as well as foodie-themed home decor.

When incorporating kitschy themes into interior design, there’s a thin line between eclectic and tacky but we are more than happy to help you sidestep the garish and land in the comfortably quirky zone. Here, we’ve rounded up 10 foodie home decor pieces that will blend seamlessly into the aesthetic of your home.