In a recent study (January 2007) by international pharmaceutical company Bayer, 1000 Canadian women were surveyed to find out how they feel about their sex lives.

Read the results and find out why spontaneity and satisfaction is still key to bringing back that lovin’ feeling.

* 80% of women interviewed say that sex is an important part of their life while 33% of whom feel that it is very important.

* 65% of women believe that sex has the ability to improve or strengthen their relationship with their partner with women currently in a relationship much more likely to say this (60% in a relationship vs. 44% of those who are not).

* Many other women note that sex is important simply for its pleasure factor (37%) or because of the fact that it reassures them that they are still attractive to their partner (23%).

* Other less popular answers included the positive effects sex has on one’s health and confidence levels (18%).

* If they could improve something about their sex life with their partner, many women would like to see more communication about the sexual aspects of the relationship (31%), and more spontaneity (30%), although the importance of this appears to decline with age (under 35: 38%, 35-54: 32%, 55+: 16%).

* Other answers included: more frequent sex, for more desire between her and her partner, and to be able to give more pleasure to each other.

* When asked how important certain elements of their sexual relationship were to them, two of the most important elements were: their partner’s sexual satisfaction (with 89% feeling this was important) and communication with their partners about the state of their sex life (87%), followed by their own sexual satisfaction (84%) and sexual spontaneity (77%).

* Interestingly, each of these elements appears to decrease in importance as women age.

* Also, all elements were consistently more important to those who think sex is an important part of their live, who are under 55, and currently in a relationship (i.e. either dating, married, or living common-law.)

* Nearly every woman (89%) noted that their partner’s sexual satisfaction was important to them, with nearly four-in-ten (39%) indicating that is was essential.

* The majority of women surveyed (87%) also felt that communication with their partner about their sex life is also something that is important, with nearly half (44%) indicating that is was essential.
Less than one-in-ten (7%) felt that this element of communication was of little importance.

* Most women (84%) say that their own sexual satisfaction is important to them, with nearly three-in-ten (27%) indicating that it is essential. This percentage, is slightly lower than that given for the importance of their partner’s sexual satisfaction, however.

— Lara Ceroni

Survey courtesy of Bayer HealthCare. For more information, please go to:

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