I will admit, the first time I sat down and looked at all of the “potentials” staring back at me through my screen, it hit me that maybe my wild days of Saturday night bar hopping weren’t so bad after all. Here I am putting myself “out there” to millions of other single hopefuls in a global cesspool of dating possibilities. I feel like I need a compass and a Sherpa to navigate this competitive new landscape.

Negative stigmas aside, online dating has evolved into the new urban way of meeting your mate. Within the confines of my home, I’m able to scan the Bay Street “types,” the pub-going sporty boys and the metrosexual hotties all with a swift click of my mouse. They sure look good in the pictures and their profiles are, well, prolific. But, before I dive into the Web waves head first, a few points need to be addressed:

#1 False advertising: My fellow online dating compatriots all list this as their first major complaint. You look at the picture online and fall in love with his tall stature, dreamy brown eyes and muscular build. Then he arrives at your doorstep. Instead of George Clooney you’re met with Joe Pesci. I don’t think so.

#2 Double-booking: Playing the field is one thing — refusing to end the game is another. What’s worse than spending an enchanting evening on a great date only to discover that about 40 nanoseconds after your cab is hailed, your date is using his Blackberry to set up his next date? For some men, it must be the equivalent of a shopping spree at Holt’s for us …. with a 50% discount card.

What do you think so far? Are you on the same page in terms of your dating style? Discuss in our forums — we’d love to hear from you!#3 Flirting fever: Men are predators at heart, so imagine their glee when they receive over 20 “smiles” and “winks” a day from eligible lady-friends all over the world. This consistent barrage of interest acts as one massive virtual ego stroke for him and one big blow for me. Sure, I could work my “smiles” and “winks,” too, but a female is a nurturer in her heart, so it’s not necessarily in my blood. All I keep thinking about is turning into some sort of online concubine.

OK, so I am sounding a bit fatalistic. Is it all hopeless? I’m keeping my fingers crossed that it isn’t, and so are most of the women I talk to. Will online dating breed more bachelors than brides? While it might be difficult to determine, we still have to kiss a lot of frogs to find it out. Just make sure you wear a killer gloss… wink, wink.

Prepping for that date? Check out our blind date safety rules here!