The ABCs of the organized traveller
When you’re always on the go, necessity should trump passion. When it’s time to pack your makeup case, follow these four principles: prioritize an item’s practicality, its relevance, its versatility and its lightness.

1. Practicality
So as not to be troubled at airport security, centralize your beauty products. Rather than dumping them at the bottom of your suitcase, place them in a clear plastic case (not only is this the eco way to go but it saves you from having to transfer everything into a disposable bag upon arrival at the airport). Even better: a compartmentalized case saves everyone time – both you and aviation security – because items are in plain sight.

2. Relevance
To hell with the superfluous: what really matters is getting straight to the point. Forget about the trendy items and opt for classics that can be used in both day and nighttime beauty regimens. Leave the false eyelashes, gel eyeliners and the hair masks, and grab your good old mascara, anti-smudge eyeliner and conditioner.

3. Versatility
The more one item can do, the less cluttered our beauty bag. Arm yourself with multi-use products: a cream blush that can be applied to cheeks, eyelids and lips; a body wash that also works on hair; a hand cream that can do triple duty as body lotion and hair styling product; and a clear gloss that can highlight not only mouth and cheeks, but tame eyebrows.

4. Lightness
Along with the 100-ml rule that must be complied with unless you plan to check in your luggage, travellers should also steer clear of glass containers (or other breakables) and make the most of beauty bonuses, if only to have sample sizes of your favourite perfume, hairspray and shampoo.

Some high-flying tricks
While on board, bust a few targeted moves. To keep eyelids from swelling while napping, cover them with a cool eye mask. Keep on hand a menthol or camphor ointment, to promote circulation in heavy, swollen legs — you can even apply it over tights. And arm yourself with a mini thermal water atomizer to counter the plane’s dry air and to perk you up at landing.