Celebrities seem to find love and then lose it on a monthly or even weekly basis. Most recently, Kim Kardashian, Katy Perry, Jennifer Lopez and Heidi Klum have all divorced their A-list spouses. With Valentine’s Day around the corner, dealing with a broken heart can be especially difficult. Instead of letting loneliness take hold and keeping you from doing what you want to do, try putting a positive spin on being single and work on moving forward. Take a page from Katy Perry’s broken heart handbook – the pop princess has been quoted as saying that “everything feels brand new” post-breakup.

To help you deal with the recent pain of a relationship gone wrong, we put together five simple but effective steps for how to handle a broken heart and being single on the most romantic day of the year.

Relationship advice #1: See single as liberating

If you remain in a relationship that you’re not happy in, Valentine’s Day would likely be full of disappointment. But in your single status, you’re free to do whatever you want and not worry about planning the perfect date night only to have it end in a potential argument or screaming match. There is no one holding you back from what you want to do and there are no expectations or pressure causing stress on what is supposed to be a happy, romantic day. When you look at being single on February 14th as a symbol that you are you not willing to settle for less than you deserve, you will be able to fully appreciate the weight off your shoulders for what it really is – freedom and a fresh start.

Relationship advice #2: Focus on the positive

Look back to where you were at this time last year. Were you stuck in a toxic relationship? Were you blindsided with a surprise breakup? Whatever you were in your relationship, the fact that it is now over can be looked at as a good thing. Life has a way of offering us situations that – even though we don’t think we can handle them at the time – make us stronger and help us grow. Rather than lament your single status, look ahead. Know that how you feel on this day won’t be how you feel tomorrow, and won’t last forever.

Relationship advice #3: Focus on you

Valentine’s Day might be a day for couples but that doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy yourself. Rather than allowing yourself to be consumed by thoughts of relationship regret, sadness or frustration, make February 14th a day to focus on what you really want. It could be as simple as going to see a movie solo, ordering from your favourite takeout place and curling up with a good book, or it could be more indulgent. Spend the afternoon at the spa, take yourself out to dinner and lounge in a hot bath with a glass of wine.

Relationship advice #4: Reach out

You might feel like hibernating all day, but resist the urge to become a hermit on Valentine’s Day. Gather some close friends (not everyone is attached and not all who are put any stock in the day) and reconnect with the ones you love. It can be so easy to detach and choose the couch for company when you are still getting over a breakup, but reaching out and spending time with others is the best way to move past any residual heartache. Host a February 14th cocktail or dinner party, make plans to go dancing or simply head to your local bar with a few close friends. Enjoy the company of people who care about you.

Relationship advice #5: Start fresh

If the sting of your breakup is still lingering, use Valentine’s Day to start fresh. Purge your space of everything that reminds you of your ex, rearrange the furniture and even repaint a room or two if you have the time. Following that, get a haircut, buy a new lipstick or try a whole new look. The point is to use February 14th to commit to moving in a new direction post-breakup. It might seem daunting but the more effort you put into reviving your life and refreshing your outlook, the better you will feel.

Breakups are never easy. Being newly single on a day meant for couples is even harder. But a few key changes can ease the bulk of the pain and help you move in a more positive direction.

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