Tasting criteria

Experienced in the back of the mouth, it reminds one of dark chocolate or grapefruit.

Felt on the sides of the tongue, it provides a slight tang and lively sensation.

Detected by the nose and pharynx, the aromas are directly related to the flavour.

Coffee provides a well-balanced impression in the mouth.

Coffee has a good consistency and provides a full-mouth feeling.


Flavours remain on the palate after the tasting.

Tasting steps

Analyze the colour of the crema
It should be thick, medium brown, slightly streaked.

Stir the coffee and smell the aromas that emerge
Red fruits, caramel, citrus, cocoa, earthy, floral, hazelnut, smoky, spicy?

Take a spoonful
The liquid must be uniform and without residue.

Take a sip and roll it around the mouth
The coffee’s acidity and bitterness must be balanced.

With the coffee still in the mouth, inhale a bit of air and exhale through the nose

This retro-nasal analysis brings about the most precise information regarding the volatile compounds detected by the nose.

Define the body
It can be light or heavy in the mouth.

Evaluate the aftertaste
After swallowing, the coffee’s intense taste must pleasantly linger on the palate.