nails-Tagliapietra-bks-I-RF13-4385All photos courtesy of

Colour meanings are iconic symbols for characters in books
, music (Taylor Swift’s
Red, for example), movies and more. But what does a nail polish say about
your character? Keep these
nail colour meanings from Melissa Forrest—Sally Hansen Nail Expert for Toronto’s Page One Management—in mind the next time you reach for your go-to bottle of polish. Trust us–they work!
A SHIMMER/METALLIC NAIL COLOUR Designer inspiration: Costello Tagliapietra Fall 2013 (above)
Polish to use: Revlon Sparkle Nail Polish
The meaning: “Because sparkle catches the light, this type of nail is definitely for the woman who doesn’t mind being the center of attention,” says Forrest. (The perfect
New Year’s Eve nail look for an adventurous personality type.)
Find out what your nail colour says about you right after the jump…